Friday, April 11, 2014

Greening our patch for Earth Day

Earth Day is a great day to get our children involved in protecting, caring for, and cleaning our planet. For us though, we need to keep in mind what is developmentally appropriate for preschool-age children. At this age keeping it small-scale and keeping it very local are important. So we will be greening our own patch. This post by Fireflies and Mudpies was a helpful starting point for our plans.

  • Since we have a lot of pin oaks in our yard that are always dropping branches, there are always sticks to pick up. We transfer the sticks to the woods to make new habitats there for animals who need shelter on the ground. 
  • Our woods are full of invasive Autumn Olive. I'm enlisting the kids to help me identify some of these and cut them down.
  • We have a half-pound of native wildflower seeds to plant, so we need to prepare some of the areas by breaking up dirt clods and pulling up existing plants. 
  • Our creek carries storm water so it also tends to wash litter through our backyard. We will clean out any junk we find in it.
  • We have a batbox just waiting to be hung on the perfect tree. With dad's help the kids will locate an ideal site and help put it up. 
  • I would like some bluebird boxes along our woodline, so we will build a couple in hopes of getting them up in time for their nesting season. 

the kids helping in one of the beds that needs to
be cleared, aka "English Ivy should be illegal".

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