Thursday, April 17, 2014

Signs of life

Today while Ladybug was at school, Waterbug and I went exploring the yard. He was playing "Wild Kratts" and was on the creature-trail looking for the elusive (and very imaginary) black-footed fox. I was looking for any of the signs of life that come with spring.  His hunt was unsuccessful, aside from some tracks in the mud that he was sure belonged to the creature. My search turned up quite a bit, and together we found some beautiful, springy shades of green. 

  My lilac is starting to leaf out, and my despised lenten roses are blooming.

The kids' strawberry plant is growing, and the mottled leaves of our trout lily patch blanket the ground under the big oaks.

 There are tulips budding in the fairy garden, and hostas popping through the soil.

 I even found some rogue daffodils under the baby pines.  I didn't plant them that I can remember, so I was surprised to see them there. 

We always take the time to stop at each large rock and flip it over to see who is living in the cool, dark dampness underneath. Today we saw worms, ants, and centipedes. 

Play is easy. It is natural. It doesn't need any planning or equipment. It is as simple as flipping rocks and searching for made-up animals. And it is fun!

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